Modern Crop Nutrition Approach with Enhanced Biology Solutions
You can not expect new results following the same old ways. Take a new approach that focuses on the nutrients you are feeding your soil and is specific to your crops’ needs.
WHAT Generations of Local Farmers That Trust Our Products SAY:
“CLA is looking at feeding crop differently. They want to improve soil health and not compromise it. They look at the whole system, and are not creating a new problem by fixing one. It’s the first group we have worked with that approaches soil solutions from a chemical, physical and biological standpoint.”
- Alex Millershaski (@AMillershaski)
“I was referred to CLA because of their biological approach to the soil’s microbial activity and fertility. For me, specifically, their Meltdown product has worked on my land to breakdown my remaining wheat stubble, making it easier to plant and grow corn in the next season.”
- Bradley McVey

Alex Millershaski (@AMillershaski)
Learn more by crop type
BECOME a Dealer
Correction Line AG is looking for talented, passionate people with a drive to help local agriculture with our superior line of products. Reach out today!
Have you ever been rolling through harvest and considered the what if’s or I wish I would’ve done that, but it’s too late now? We are dedicated to finding the solutions to those in-season questions from start to finish you might think nobody can answer or you might assume is way different. We look at different ways farming can be done by managing cropping systems with a soil and tissue management system. The plants can’t always speak to us with what they need, but we dig into how we can catch those needs and fulfill them with a variety of application methods that fit your farming operation.